Ofir Ventura – Learning the Tricks to Commercial Real Estate Investing.

Ofir Ventura Las Vegas

Ofir Ventura - Investing in real estate may be quite profitable. It is said that real estate is one of the best ways for people in the middle class to become millionaires. When deciding to become a property investor, there are two markets you can go into, residential or commercial real estate market.

Both markets have pros and cons. With residential real estate, the deals are relatively simple. You are generally buying single-family homes, condos, or townhomes. In either of these types of purchases, all you need to know from an investor's viewpoint is if the properties can generate positive monthly cash flow.

To make this determination, all you have to do is calculate the anticipated monthly expenses based on loan payments, taxes, insurance, property management fees, and average monthly maintenance versus the amount of rent you can expect based on what other similar properties in the area will go for. Sure, there are other factors, such as tax deductions for interest, property tax, depreciation, etc. however, those will likely work in your favor, so they are nothing to be concerned with when entering into the deal.

When the numbers make sense and you can be granted the financing, residential real estate is easy to get into and gain from. However, the downside is that every property typically just generates a small amount of positive cash flow every month. This means you have to accumulate many properties before the monthly income adds up to a considerable amount.

Commercial real estate investing is an entirely different proposition. With commercial property, there are the last moving parts that have to be aligned and fall into place. And if you want to be successful with it, you need to know how to navigate them. On the other side, if you know what you're doing, buying a commercial investment property can be highly lucrative in a relatively short time.

If you want to take the plunge into commercial real estate, there are things to keep in mind. First, ensure you are dealing with a real estate broker like Ofir Ventura. He knows everything about commercial real estate. This is not a deal you want to put into the hands of a newbie. Ofir Ventura Las Vegas has many years of experience and knows the ins and outs of the business.